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Present Continuous


  1. Per azioni in corso di svolgimento (NOW, AT THE MOMENT)

  2. Per azioni nel futuro già programmate (this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, next week, next summer, next Monday, in July, in 3 days, in 3 weeks...)

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous 




  • per azioni quotidiane che si ripetono, abitudini.

  • con le parole everyday, always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never.

  • con once (= una volta), twice (= due volte), three times a day/ a week/ a month/ a year

Ricorda la struttura:

  1. I read a book / Katie reads a book

  2. I don't play tennis / She doesn't play tennis

  3. Do you speak English? / Does your granma speak Japanese?



  • per azioni che si stanno svolgendo adesso

  • per azioni al futuro che si sono già programmate

  • espressioni di tempo: vedi spiegazione sopra

Ricorda la struttura:

  1. I am playing tennis, you are playing volleyball

  2. I am not going to England, he isn't going to New York

  3. What are you doing? Is she watching tv?




Present Simple vs continuous
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