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punti forti e punti deboli


Nella tabella sottostante si trovano diversi aggettivi ed espressioni utili a descrivere la nostra personalità. Per presentarla in un discorso o in uno scritto in modo completo e organico, si possono mettere in risalto i lati positivi e negativi, specificando quali sono le nostre attitudini e le nostre passioni.


Hi, I'm Barbara and I'm 14 years old, I'm Italian and I live in Cremona.

My personality? Well, I'm sometimes lazy and stubborn, I don't like tidying my bedroom and I'm not very good at Physical Education, but I'm friendly and kind and I like helping people, I'm also very good at English. My favourite hobby is listening to music and I like reading. In the future I want to be a teacher...I think it's the job for me!






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